How to snap shapes positions on dragging with Konva?
How to snap draggable shapes to each other?
This demo will demonstrate how to implement snapping of objects to all edges of the stage on to all edges of other objects.
Also I found another related demos on the internet that may be useful:
- Post:
- Demo:
Instruction: try to drag and object. See how it snaps to other objects.
- Vanilla
import Konva from 'konva'; var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; var GUIDELINE_OFFSET = 5; var stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: 'container', width: width, height: height, }); var layer = new Konva.Layer(); stage.add(layer); // first generate random rectangles for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { layer.add( new Konva.Rect({ x: Math.random() * stage.width(), y: Math.random() * stage.height(), width: 50 + Math.random() * 50, height: 50 + Math.random() * 50, fill: Konva.Util.getRandomColor(), rotation: Math.random() * 360, draggable: true, name: 'object', }) ); } // were can we snap our objects? function getLineGuideStops(skipShape) { // we can snap to stage borders and the center of the stage var vertical = [0, stage.width() / 2, stage.width()]; var horizontal = [0, stage.height() / 2, stage.height()]; // and we snap over edges and center of each object on the canvas stage.find('.object').forEach((guideItem) => { if (guideItem === skipShape) { return; } var box = guideItem.getClientRect(); // and we can snap to all edges of shapes vertical.push([box.x, box.x + box.width, box.x + box.width / 2]); horizontal.push([box.y, box.y + box.height, box.y + box.height / 2]); }); return { vertical: vertical.flat(), horizontal: horizontal.flat(), }; } // what points of the object will trigger to snapping? // it can be just center of the object // but we will enable all edges and center function getObjectSnappingEdges(node) { var box = node.getClientRect(); var absPos = node.absolutePosition(); return { vertical: [ { guide: Math.round(box.x), offset: Math.round(absPos.x - box.x), snap: 'start', }, { guide: Math.round(box.x + box.width / 2), offset: Math.round(absPos.x - box.x - box.width / 2), snap: 'center', }, { guide: Math.round(box.x + box.width), offset: Math.round(absPos.x - box.x - box.width), snap: 'end', }, ], horizontal: [ { guide: Math.round(box.y), offset: Math.round(absPos.y - box.y), snap: 'start', }, { guide: Math.round(box.y + box.height / 2), offset: Math.round(absPos.y - box.y - box.height / 2), snap: 'center', }, { guide: Math.round(box.y + box.height), offset: Math.round(absPos.y - box.y - box.height), snap: 'end', }, ], }; } // find all snapping possibilities function getGuides(lineGuideStops, itemBounds) { var resultV = []; var resultH = []; lineGuideStops.vertical.forEach((lineGuide) => { itemBounds.vertical.forEach((itemBound) => { var diff = Math.abs(lineGuide -; // if the distance between guild line and object snap point is close we can consider this for snapping if (diff < GUIDELINE_OFFSET) { resultV.push({ lineGuide: lineGuide, diff: diff, snap: itemBound.snap, offset: itemBound.offset, }); } }); }); lineGuideStops.horizontal.forEach((lineGuide) => { itemBounds.horizontal.forEach((itemBound) => { var diff = Math.abs(lineGuide -; if (diff < GUIDELINE_OFFSET) { resultH.push({ lineGuide: lineGuide, diff: diff, snap: itemBound.snap, offset: itemBound.offset, }); } }); }); var guides = []; // find closest snap var minV = resultV.sort((a, b) => a.diff - b.diff)[0]; var minH = resultH.sort((a, b) => a.diff - b.diff)[0]; if (minV) { guides.push({ lineGuide: minV.lineGuide, offset: minV.offset, orientation: 'V', snap: minV.snap, }); } if (minH) { guides.push({ lineGuide: minH.lineGuide, offset: minH.offset, orientation: 'H', snap: minH.snap, }); } return guides; } function drawGuides(guides) { guides.forEach((lg) => { if (lg.orientation === 'H') { var line = new Konva.Line({ points: [-6000, 0, 6000, 0], stroke: 'rgb(0, 161, 255)', strokeWidth: 1, name: 'guid-line', dash: [4, 6], }); layer.add(line); line.absolutePosition({ x: 0, y: lg.lineGuide, }); } else if (lg.orientation === 'V') { var line = new Konva.Line({ points: [0, -6000, 0, 6000], stroke: 'rgb(0, 161, 255)', strokeWidth: 1, name: 'guid-line', dash: [4, 6], }); layer.add(line); line.absolutePosition({ x: lg.lineGuide, y: 0, }); } }); } layer.on('dragmove', function (e) { // clear all previous lines on the screen layer.find('.guid-line').forEach((l) => l.destroy()); // find possible snapping lines var lineGuideStops = getLineGuideStops(; // find snapping points of current object var itemBounds = getObjectSnappingEdges(; // now find where can we snap current object var guides = getGuides(lineGuideStops, itemBounds); // do nothing of no snapping if (!guides.length) { return; } drawGuides(guides); var absPos =; // now force object position guides.forEach((lg) => { switch (lg.orientation) { case 'V': { absPos.x = lg.lineGuide + lg.offset; break; } case 'H': { absPos.y = lg.lineGuide + lg.offset; break; } } });; }); layer.on('dragend', function (e) { // clear all previous lines on the screen layer.find('.guid-line').forEach((l) => l.destroy()); });