Interactive Building Map
Instructions: hover over sections of the building to see its description
- Vanilla
- React
- Vue
import Konva from 'konva'; function getData() { return { '1st Floor': { color: 'blue', points: [366, 298, 500, 284, 499, 204, 352, 183, 72, 228, 74, 274], }, '2nd Floor': { color: 'red', points: [72, 228, 73, 193, 340, 96, 498, 154, 498, 191, 341, 171], }, '3rd Floor': { color: 'yellow', points: [73, 192, 73, 160, 340, 23, 500, 109, 499, 139, 342, 93], }, Gym: { color: 'green', points: [498, 283, 503, 146, 560, 136, 576, 144, 576, 278, 500, 283], }, }; } function updateTooltip(tooltip, x, y, text) { tooltip.getText().text(text); tooltip.position({ x: x, y: y, });; } const stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: 'container', width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, }); // add background image first const imageLayer = new Konva.Layer(); stage.add(imageLayer); Konva.Image.fromURL('', function (bgImage) { bgImage.setAttrs({ x: 1, y: 0, }); imageLayer.add(bgImage); }); const shapesLayer = new Konva.Layer(); const tooltipLayer = new Konva.Layer(); const tooltip = new Konva.Label({ opacity: 0.75, visible: false, listening: false, }); tooltip.add( new Konva.Tag({ fill: 'black', pointerDirection: 'down', pointerWidth: 10, pointerHeight: 10, lineJoin: 'round', shadowColor: 'black', shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 10, shadowOffsetY: 10, shadowOpacity: 0.5, }) ); tooltip.add( new Konva.Text({ text: '', fontFamily: 'Calibri', fontSize: 18, padding: 5, fill: 'white', }) ); tooltipLayer.add(tooltip); // get areas data const areas = getData(); // draw areas for (const key in areas) { const area = areas[key]; const points = area.points; const shape = new Konva.Line({ points: points, fill: area.color, opacity: 0, closed: true, name: 'area', // custom attr key: key, }); shapesLayer.add(shape); } // add layers in correct order stage.add(shapesLayer); stage.add(tooltipLayer); stage.on('mouseover', (evt) => { const shape =; if (shape && === 'area') { // only change opacity if it's an area shape shape.opacity(0.5); } }); stage.on('mouseout', (evt) => { const shape =; if (shape && === 'area') { // only change opacity if it's an area shape shape.opacity(0); tooltip.hide(); } }); stage.on('mousemove', (evt) => { const shape =; if (shape && === 'area') { // only change opacity if it's an area shape const mousePos = stage.getPointerPosition(); const x = mousePos.x; const y = mousePos.y - 5; updateTooltip(tooltip, x, y, shape.getAttr('key')); } });
import { Stage, Layer, Line, Label, Tag, Text, Image } from 'react-konva'; import { useState } from 'react'; import useImage from 'use-image'; const getData = () => ({ '1st Floor': { color: 'blue', points: [366, 298, 500, 284, 499, 204, 352, 183, 72, 228, 74, 274], }, '2nd Floor': { color: 'red', points: [72, 228, 73, 193, 340, 96, 498, 154, 498, 191, 341, 171], }, '3rd Floor': { color: 'yellow', points: [73, 192, 73, 160, 340, 23, 500, 109, 499, 139, 342, 93], }, Gym: { color: 'green', points: [498, 283, 503, 146, 560, 136, 576, 144, 576, 278, 500, 283], }, }); const App = () => { const [tooltipProps, setTooltipProps] = useState({ visible: false, x: 0, y: 0, text: '', }); const [hoveredArea, setHoveredArea] = useState(null); const [backgroundImage] = useImage(''); const areas = getData(); const handleMouseOver = (key) => { setHoveredArea(key); }; const handleMouseOut = () => { setHoveredArea(null); setTooltipProps(prev => ({ ...prev, visible: false })); }; const handleMouseMove = (e, key) => { const stage =; const mousePos = stage.getPointerPosition(); setTooltipProps({ visible: true, x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y - 5, text: key, }); }; return ( <Stage width={window.innerWidth} height={window.innerHeight}> <Layer> <Image x={1} y={0} image={backgroundImage} /> </Layer> <Layer> {Object.entries(areas).map(([key, area]) => ( <Line key={key} points={area.points} fill={area.color} opacity={hoveredArea === key ? 0.5 : 0} closed={true} onMouseOver={() => handleMouseOver(key)} onMouseOut={handleMouseOut} onMouseMove={(e) => handleMouseMove(e, key)} /> ))} </Layer> <Layer> <Label x={tooltipProps.x} y={tooltipProps.y} opacity={0.75} visible={tooltipProps.visible} > <Tag fill="black" pointerDirection="down" pointerWidth={10} pointerHeight={10} lineJoin="round" shadowColor="black" shadowBlur={10} shadowOffsetX={10} shadowOffsetY={10} shadowOpacity={0.5} /> <Text text={tooltipProps.text} fontFamily="Calibri" fontSize={18} padding={5} fill="white" /> </Label> </Layer> </Stage> ); }; export default App;
<template> <v-stage :config="stageSize"> <v-layer> <v-image v-if="backgroundImage" :config="{ x: 1, y: 0, image: backgroundImage }" /> </v-layer> <v-layer> <v-line v-for="(area, key) in areas" :key="key" :config="{ points: area.points, fill: area.color, opacity: hoveredArea === key ? 0.5 : 0, closed: true }" @mouseover="handleMouseOver(key)" @mouseout="handleMouseOut" @mousemove="(e) => handleMouseMove(e, key)" /> </v-layer> <v-layer> <v-label :config="{ x: tooltipProps.x, y: tooltipProps.y, opacity: 0.75, visible: tooltipProps.visible }" > <v-tag :config="{ fill: 'black', pointerDirection: 'down', pointerWidth: 10, pointerHeight: 10, lineJoin: 'round', shadowColor: 'black', shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 10, shadowOffsetY: 10, shadowOpacity: 0.5 }" /> <v-text :config="{ text: tooltipProps.text, fontFamily: 'Calibri', fontSize: 18, padding: 5, fill: 'white' }" /> </v-label> </v-layer> </v-stage> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; import { useImage } from 'vue-konva'; const stageSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; const [backgroundImage] = useImage(''); const getData = () => ({ '1st Floor': { color: 'blue', points: [366, 298, 500, 284, 499, 204, 352, 183, 72, 228, 74, 274], }, '2nd Floor': { color: 'red', points: [72, 228, 73, 193, 340, 96, 498, 154, 498, 191, 341, 171], }, '3rd Floor': { color: 'yellow', points: [73, 192, 73, 160, 340, 23, 500, 109, 499, 139, 342, 93], }, Gym: { color: 'green', points: [498, 283, 503, 146, 560, 136, 576, 144, 576, 278, 500, 283], }, }); const areas = getData(); const hoveredArea = ref(null); const tooltipProps = ref({ visible: false, x: 0, y: 0, text: '', }); const handleMouseOver = (key) => { hoveredArea.value = key; }; const handleMouseOut = () => { hoveredArea.value = null; tooltipProps.value.visible = false; }; const handleMouseMove = (e, key) => { const stage =; const mousePos = stage.getPointerPosition(); tooltipProps.value = { visible: true, x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y - 5, text: key, }; }; </script>