How to modify line points with anchors?
This demo shows how to create interactive curves (quadratic and Bezier) that can be modified by dragging their anchor points. This technique is commonly used in vector graphic editors and gives users the ability to create and adjust custom curves.
Instructions: Use your mouse or finger to drag and drop the anchor points to modify the curvature of the quadratic curve (red) and the Bezier curve (blue).
- Vanilla
- React
- Vue
import Konva from 'konva'; const width = window.innerWidth; const height = window.innerHeight; // Create stage and layer const stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: 'container', width: width, height: height, }); const layer = new Konva.Layer(); stage.add(layer); // Function to build anchor point function buildAnchor(x, y) { const anchor = new Konva.Circle({ x: x, y: y, radius: 20, stroke: '#666', fill: '#ddd', strokeWidth: 2, draggable: true, }); layer.add(anchor); // Add hover styling anchor.on('mouseover', function () { = 'pointer'; this.strokeWidth(4); }); anchor.on('mouseout', function () { = 'default'; this.strokeWidth(2); }); // Update curves when anchor is moved anchor.on('dragmove', function () { updateDottedLines(); }); return anchor; } // Function to update dashed line points (showing control points) function updateDottedLines() { const q = quad; const b = bezier; const quadLinePath = layer.findOne('#quadLinePath'); const bezierLinePath = layer.findOne('#bezierLinePath'); // Update control point lines for quadratic curve quadLinePath.points([ q.start.x(), q.start.y(), q.control.x(), q.control.y(), q.end.x(), q.end.y(), ]); // Update control point lines for bezier curve bezierLinePath.points([ b.start.x(), b.start.y(), b.control1.x(), b.control1.y(), b.control2.x(), b.control2.y(), b.end.x(), b.end.y(), ]); } // Create quadratic curve with custom shape const quadraticLine = new Konva.Shape({ stroke: 'red', strokeWidth: 4, sceneFunc: (ctx, shape) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(quad.start.x(), quad.start.y()); ctx.quadraticCurveTo( quad.control.x(), quad.control.y(), quad.end.x(), quad.end.y() ); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); }, }); layer.add(quadraticLine); // Create bezier curve with custom shape const bezierLine = new Konva.Shape({ stroke: 'blue', strokeWidth: 5, sceneFunc: (ctx, shape) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(bezier.start.x(), bezier.start.y()); ctx.bezierCurveTo( bezier.control1.x(), bezier.control1.y(), bezier.control2.x(), bezier.control2.y(), bezier.end.x(), bezier.end.y() ); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); }, }); layer.add(bezierLine); // Create dashed line to show control points for quadratic curve const quadLinePath = new Konva.Line({ dash: [10, 10, 0, 10], strokeWidth: 3, stroke: 'black', lineCap: 'round', id: 'quadLinePath', opacity: 0.3, points: [0, 0], }); layer.add(quadLinePath); // Create dashed line to show control points for bezier curve const bezierLinePath = new Konva.Line({ dash: [10, 10, 0, 10], strokeWidth: 3, stroke: 'black', lineCap: 'round', id: 'bezierLinePath', opacity: 0.3, points: [0, 0], }); layer.add(bezierLinePath); // Create anchor points for the quadratic curve const quad = { start: buildAnchor(60, 30), control: buildAnchor(240, 110), end: buildAnchor(80, 160), }; // Create anchor points for the bezier curve const bezier = { start: buildAnchor(280, 20), control1: buildAnchor(530, 40), control2: buildAnchor(480, 150), end: buildAnchor(300, 150), }; // Update the control point lines updateDottedLines();
import React from 'react'; import { Stage, Layer, Circle, Line, Shape } from 'react-konva'; const ModifyCurvesDemo = () => { const width = window.innerWidth; const height = window.innerHeight; const [quadPoints, setQuadPoints] = React.useState({ start: { x: 60, y: 30 }, control: { x: 240, y: 110 }, end: { x: 80, y: 160 }, }); const [bezierPoints, setBezierPoints] = React.useState({ start: { x: 280, y: 20 }, control1: { x: 530, y: 40 }, control2: { x: 480, y: 150 }, end: { x: 300, y: 150 }, }); const [hoveredAnchor, setHoveredAnchor] = React.useState(null); const handleDragMove = (e, points, setPoints, pointName) => { setPoints({ ...points, [pointName]: { x:, y: } }); }; const handleCursor = (e, pointId, isEnter) => { const stage =; stage.container().style.cursor = isEnter ? 'pointer' : 'default'; setHoveredAnchor(isEnter ? pointId : null); }; const renderAnchor = (point, pointName, prefix, onDragMove) => ( <Circle key={prefix + pointName} x={point.x} y={point.y} radius={20} stroke="#666" fill="#ddd" strokeWidth={hoveredAnchor === prefix + pointName ? 4 : 2} draggable onDragMove={onDragMove} onMouseEnter={e => handleCursor(e, prefix + pointName, true)} onMouseLeave={e => handleCursor(e, prefix + pointName, false)} /> ); const quadAnchors = Object.entries(quadPoints).map(([name, point]) => renderAnchor(point, name, 'quad-', e => handleDragMove(e, quadPoints, setQuadPoints, name)) ); const bezierAnchors = Object.entries(bezierPoints).map(([name, point]) => renderAnchor(point, name, 'bezier-', e => handleDragMove(e, bezierPoints, setBezierPoints, name)) ); return ( <Stage width={width} height={height}> <Layer> <Shape sceneFunc={(ctx, shape) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(quadPoints.start.x, quadPoints.start.y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo( quadPoints.control.x, quadPoints.control.y, quadPoints.end.x, quadPoints.end.y ); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); }} stroke="red" strokeWidth={4} /> <Shape sceneFunc={(ctx, shape) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(bezierPoints.start.x, bezierPoints.start.y); ctx.bezierCurveTo( bezierPoints.control1.x, bezierPoints.control1.y, bezierPoints.control2.x, bezierPoints.control2.y, bezierPoints.end.x, bezierPoints.end.y ); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); }} stroke="blue" strokeWidth={5} /> <Line points={[ quadPoints.start.x, quadPoints.start.y, quadPoints.control.x, quadPoints.control.y, quadPoints.end.x, quadPoints.end.y ]} dash={[10, 10, 0, 10]} strokeWidth={3} stroke="black" lineCap="round" opacity={0.3} /> <Line points={[ bezierPoints.start.x, bezierPoints.start.y, bezierPoints.control1.x, bezierPoints.control1.y, bezierPoints.control2.x, bezierPoints.control2.y, bezierPoints.end.x, bezierPoints.end.y ]} dash={[10, 10, 0, 10]} strokeWidth={3} stroke="black" lineCap="round" opacity={0.3} /> {quadAnchors} {bezierAnchors} </Layer> </Stage> ); }; export default ModifyCurvesDemo;
<template> <v-stage :config="stageConfig"> <v-layer> <!-- Quadratic Curve --> <v-shape :config="quadraticConfig" /> <!-- Bezier Curve --> <v-shape :config="bezierConfig" /> <!-- Control Lines --> <v-line :config="quadLineConfig" /> <v-line :config="bezierLineConfig" /> <!-- Anchor Points for Quadratic Curve --> <v-circle v-for="(point, name) in quadPoints" :key="`quad-${name}`" :config="{ x: point.x, y: point.y, radius: 20, stroke: '#666', fill: '#ddd', strokeWidth: hoveredPoint === `quad-${name}` ? 4 : 2, draggable: true }" @dragend="e => handleQuadDragEnd(e, name)" @mouseenter="handleMouseEnter(`quad-${name}`, e)" @mouseleave="handleMouseLeave(`quad-${name}`, e)" /> <!-- Anchor Points for Bezier Curve --> <v-circle v-for="(point, name) in bezierPoints" :key="`bezier-${name}`" :config="{ x: point.x, y: point.y, radius: 20, stroke: '#666', fill: '#ddd', strokeWidth: hoveredPoint === `bezier-${name}` ? 4 : 2, draggable: true }" @dragend="e => handleBezierDragEnd(e, name)" @mouseenter="handleMouseEnter(`bezier-${name}`, e)" @mouseleave="handleMouseLeave(`bezier-${name}`, e)" /> </v-layer> </v-stage> </template> <script setup> import { ref, reactive, computed } from 'vue'; // Stage configuration const stageConfig = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; const hoveredPoint = ref(null); // Anchor points for quadratic curve const quadPoints = reactive({ start: { x: 60, y: 30 }, control: { x: 240, y: 110 }, end: { x: 80, y: 160 } }); // Anchor points for bezier curve const bezierPoints = reactive({ start: { x: 280, y: 20 }, control1: { x: 530, y: 40 }, control2: { x: 480, y: 150 }, end: { x: 300, y: 150 } }); // Configuration for quadratic curve const quadraticConfig = computed(() => ({ stroke: 'red', strokeWidth: 4, sceneFunc: (ctx, shape) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(quadPoints.start.x, quadPoints.start.y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo( quadPoints.control.x, quadPoints.control.y, quadPoints.end.x, quadPoints.end.y ); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); } })); // Configuration for bezier curve const bezierConfig = computed(() => ({ stroke: 'blue', strokeWidth: 5, sceneFunc: (ctx, shape) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(bezierPoints.start.x, bezierPoints.start.y); ctx.bezierCurveTo( bezierPoints.control1.x, bezierPoints.control1.y, bezierPoints.control2.x, bezierPoints.control2.y, bezierPoints.end.x, bezierPoints.end.y ); ctx.fillStrokeShape(shape); } })); // Configuration for quadratic curve control lines const quadLineConfig = computed(() => ({ points: [ quadPoints.start.x, quadPoints.start.y, quadPoints.control.x, quadPoints.control.y, quadPoints.end.x, quadPoints.end.y ], dash: [10, 10, 0, 10], strokeWidth: 3, stroke: 'black', lineCap: 'round', opacity: 0.3 })); // Configuration for bezier curve control lines const bezierLineConfig = computed(() => ({ points: [ bezierPoints.start.x, bezierPoints.start.y, bezierPoints.control1.x, bezierPoints.control1.y, bezierPoints.control2.x, bezierPoints.control2.y, bezierPoints.end.x, bezierPoints.end.y ], dash: [10, 10, 0, 10], strokeWidth: 3, stroke: 'black', lineCap: 'round', opacity: 0.3 })); // Handle mouse events for hover effects const handleMouseEnter = (pointId, e) => { const stage =; stage.container().style.cursor = 'pointer'; hoveredPoint.value = pointId; }; const handleMouseLeave = (pointId, e) => { const stage =; stage.container().style.cursor = 'default'; hoveredPoint.value = null; }; // Handle drag for quadratic curve points const handleQuadDragEnd = (e, pointName) => { quadPoints[pointName].x =; quadPoints[pointName].y =; }; // Handle drag for bezier curve points const handleBezierDragEnd = (e, pointName) => { bezierPoints[pointName].x =; bezierPoints[pointName].y =; }; </script>