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Clipping Functions Tutorial

How to clip nodes in the layer?

To draw things inside of complex clipping regions with Konva, we can set the clipFunc property of a group, a layer. In this tutorial, we'll draw blobs inside of a two circles clipping region applied to a group.

import Konva from 'konva';

// First we need to create stage
const stage = new Konva.Stage({
  container: 'container',
  width: window.innerWidth,
  height: window.innerHeight,

// Then create layer
const layer = new Konva.Layer();

const group = new Konva.Group({
  clipFunc: function (ctx) {
    ctx.arc(200, 120, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
    ctx.arc(280, 120, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);

for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
  const blob = new Konva.Circle({
    x: Math.random() * stage.width(),
    y: Math.random() * stage.height(),
    radius: Math.random() * 50,
    fill: 'green',
    opacity: 0.8,

// add the shape to the layer

// add the layer to the stage