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How to listen to events on canvas shapes with Vue and Konva?

With vue-konva you can easily listen to user input events (click, dblclick, mouseover, tap, dbltap, touchstart, etc...) and drag&drop events (dragstart, dragmove, dragend).

For the full list of events take a look at the on() method documentation.

Instructions: Move your mouse over the triangle to see coordinates. Move the mouse out to see the mouseout event.

  <v-stage ref="stage" :config="stageSize">
    <v-layer ref="layer">
          x: 80,
          y: 120,
          sides: 3,
          radius: 80,
          fill: '#00D2FF',
          stroke: 'black',
          strokeWidth: 4
      <v-text ref="text" :config="{
        x: 10,
        y: 10,
        fontFamily: 'Calibri',
        fontSize: 24,
        text: text,
        fill: 'black'
      }" />

const width = window.innerWidth;
const height = window.innerHeight;

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      stageSize: {
        width: width,
        height: height
      text: ''
  methods: {
    writeMessage(message) {
      this.text = message;
    handleMouseOut(event) {
      this.writeMessage('Mouseout triangle');
    handleMouseMove(event) {
      const mousePos = this.$refs.stage.getNode().getPointerPosition();
      const x = mousePos.x - 190;
      const y = mousePos.y - 40;
      this.writeMessage('x: ' + x + ', y: ' + y);