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HTML5 canvas Path Tutorial

To create a custom path shape with Konva, we can instantiate a Konva.Path() object.

For full list of properties and methods, see the Path API Reference.

import Konva from 'konva';

const stage = new Konva.Stage({
  container: 'container',
  width: window.innerWidth,
  height: window.innerHeight

const layer = new Konva.Layer();

const path = new Konva.Path({
  x: 50,
  y: 50,
  data: 'M12.582,9.551C3.251,16.237,0.921,29.021,7.08,38.564l-2.36,1.689l4.893,2.262l4.893,2.262l-0.568-5.36l-0.567-5.359l-2.365,1.694c-4.657-7.375-2.83-17.185,4.352-22.33c7.451-5.338,17.817-3.625,23.156,3.824c5.337,7.449,3.625,17.813-3.821,23.152l2.857,3.988c9.617-6.893,11.827-20.277,4.935-29.896C35.591,4.87,22.204,2.658,12.582,9.551z',
  fill: 'green',
  scale: {
    x: 2,
    y: 2
