HTML5 Canvas Fire Event with Konva
To fire events with Konva, we can use the fire()
This enables us to programmatically fire events like click
, mouseover
, etc., and also fire custom events, like foo and bar.
- Vanilla
- React
- Vue
import Konva from 'konva'; const stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: 'container', width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, }); const layer = new Konva.Layer(); stage.add(layer); const circle = new Konva.Circle({ x: stage.width() / 2, y: stage.height() / 2, radius: 70, fill: 'red', stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 4, }); // add shape event listener circle.on('customEvent', function (evt) { alert('custom event fired'); }); // add button to trigger custom event const button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerHTML = 'Fire Custom Event'; document.body.appendChild(button); button.addEventListener('click', () => { // fire custom event'customEvent', { bubbles: true, }); }); layer.add(circle);
import { Stage, Layer, Circle } from 'react-konva'; import { useRef } from 'react'; const App = () => { const circleRef = useRef(); const handleCustomEvent = () => { alert('custom event fired'); }; const fireCustomEvent = () => {'customEvent', { bubbles: true, }); }; return ( <> <button onClick={fireCustomEvent}>Fire Custom Event</button> <Stage width={window.innerWidth} height={window.innerHeight}> <Layer> <Circle ref={circleRef} x={window.innerWidth / 2} y={window.innerHeight / 2} radius={70} fill="red" stroke="black" strokeWidth={4} onCustomEvent={handleCustomEvent} /> </Layer> </Stage> </> ); }; export default App;
<template> <div> <button @click="fireCustomEvent">Fire Custom Event</button> <v-stage :config="stageSize"> <v-layer> <v-circle ref="circleRef" :config="circleConfig" @customEvent="handleCustomEvent" /> </v-layer> </v-stage> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; const circleRef = ref(null); const stageSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; const circleConfig = { x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2, radius: 70, fill: 'red', stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 4 }; const handleCustomEvent = () => { alert('custom event fired'); }; const fireCustomEvent = () => { circleRef.value.getNode().fire('customEvent', { bubbles: true, }); }; </script>